Income is a consequence of providing benefit to the customer
Since customers are the source of your cash flow, a deep understanding of your customer, your customer relationship, changes in your customer behaviour and your ever-growing number of communication channels is crucial for your strategy and its implementation.
Marketing and sales issues are core elements of a company's strategic direction, and it is the role of the supervisory board/advisory board to advise and monitor the management of this task.
Find out more...We see management as a passion for recognising the possibilities for effective leadership and a capacity for recognising and taking opportunities. Anyone who thinks positively in crisis situations is following one of the primary principles of effective leadership. Defining and constantly recreating the organisational links with the market and customers is fundamental to a company's success.
Find out more...We bridge the gap between the market, marketing and investors
During our more than 20 years on supervisory boards, advisory boards and boards of directors, the enterprise value of the companies we have advised has increased considerably.
Our special field is marketing and sales, the core elements of a company's strategic direction.
Supervisory boards need many years of operational experience in constantly linking a company's strategy with customers in new ways and structuring the marketing concepts to reflect the company's strategy.
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